The Samurai Woman

I do unwrap my silk kimono
Too reticent and bashful,
In the solitary, tranquil bathroom-
Only a sparrow looked at me
From top of the window glass!

Last night it was the festival of Sakura (cherry) around,
Sakura, I feel you too enchanting…
As enthralling would be this Samurai maiden,
When she stabs her raw and naive tummy,
With the sharp blade of this thirsty dagger!
Originally written in Bengali and translated by the poet.

Silk Route
On silk route
I am the lone walker
the blind maiden…
Caravans of camels

would come soon
silk from China
and papyrus from Egypt
(bhurjapatre naba geet koro rachana…

Scribe the new songs on the palm leaves)
Oh Papyrus!
. Guillotine
A Tale of Two Cities)

Statue of Buddha from Gandhara,
Jai Namaaj,
The Big Bang would erupt
in the galaxy soon…
Pay an ear to the Ragas of Ameer Khasru…
Emperor Babar comes with his mighty sword along the valley,
Juices from red water, melons of the summer,
Astrologists thronging in the court of
Kublai Khan, the Mongol king,
Shaman: the religion of the infinite sky!

So, note down:
My Faith: Shaman,
My God: The Infinite Sky,
(for I am a descendant of the ancient Mongols),
Beauty: Blind,
Address: The Silk Route.

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