I can go on writing

I can go on writing only about me all through my life

This self-manuscript is an eternal epic.

One day like a crumpled cold-stricken sinful person

I knocked at the doors from one place to another.

Today many bowed-headed reptiles roam by

Frantically sniffing at my words.

I madly built up this eternal epic bit by bit

Diluting the marrows of my spine.

Everyday the archaic-person search down

The depth of sands with the cogs of dredgers.

All the approaching human beings

Grow up gradually encircling my trunk,

As the water column cling to the cloudy-structure of undying pain

This is but an unending narration of the epic;

Encircling so many days, so many lives, so many classical journey.

I Recreate Myself

I didn’t wanted to live a life of satisfaction in fools paradise

Didn’t wanted aristocratic favour with bowed head

My endless disqualification

For which I run after all through my life

Is a ghost without eyes-nose and teeth.

I grow up breaking down to pieces

But never do I bow down

I go on digging a life-long cave

There lies the life-force locked up.

It’s really hard.

Yet this is my war, my lifelong battle.

I’m living a life licking the salt

The alphabets are but poison-tablet

I recreate myself, a complex me,

All through the night, all through the life.


Verses of Life

What’s the use of listening to the story of half-done life?

Look here lies the crumpled imitation crown

Broken pieces of wooden sword are strewn there

The youthfulness has only gave me pique

The childish tender sensitiveness

The satanic thug has cunningly deceived me from the luck of

The responsibility and attainment of a mature lover.

He will not let me stand erect.

No exchange is now possible in concealed love-making.

From the sky my wings are torn apart

I too am turning down the autograph-seekers.

I too have my own sensitiveness.

I have given many interviews, that’ all. Here, take it.

I am returning back the afternoon award.

[1] Abu Bakar Siddique (b. 1934), first book of poems ‘Dhobol Dudher Swargram’ was published in 1969. Awards: Bangla Academy Award, 1988.

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