Language is the muscle and sinew of culture. It is a bond of solidarity and so is politics. If one of the most important aspects of democratic politics is that it is non-oppressive, then the language of such politics should… Continue reading
সৈয়দ আলী আহসান – একটি মহীরুহ দর্শন
আমার সাথে সৈয়দ আলী আহসান সাহেবের সরাসরি কোন যোগাযোগ ছিল না। আমি তার ছাত্র ছিলাম না, এমনকি কিশোর বয়সটা আমার পূর্ব পাকিস্তন বা পূর্ব বাংলাতেও কাটেনি। পিতার দূতাবাসে চাকুরী সূত্রে কলাকাতায় আমার সবটুকু স্কুল জীবন কেটেছে। কলকাতায় একজন বিশিষ্টট সাহিত্যিক,… Continue reading
আমার বই পড়া ও লাইব্রেরী
১৯৫৩ সালে আমার যখন ছয় বছর বয়স, আব্বা পররাষ্ট্র দপ্তরের চাকরী নিয়ে কলকাতায় চলে গেলেন। মা ও আমাদেরকে রেখে গেলেন ঢাকায়। আমরা তখন থাকতাম আমলিগোলায়। আব্বার ইচ্ছা ছিল, ঢাকায় সংসার খরচ কম, এখানে পরিবারটা থাকলে আব্বা অনেক টাকা সাশ্রয় করতে… Continue reading
চারটি নেপালি কবিতা
চারটি নেপালি কবিতা অনুবাদঃ সিদ্দিক মাহমুদুর রহমান বিভৎস পরিবেশ অস্মিতা ভাণ্ডারী আমি কি মৃতদেহের কথা লিখবো? কিংবা আতঙ্কের কথা অথবা মানুষের মনের অবিশ্বাসের কথা? কিংবা লিখবো কি ধূলা ও ধুঁয়ার সংমিশ্রণে প্রবাহিত ধুমায়িত নিশ্বাসের কথা? আমি কি গুলির শব্দের… Continue reading
Bishwa Shahitya Kendra
Eminent educationist and president of the trustee board of Bishwa Shahitya Kendra (BSK), Professor Abdullah Abu Sayeed, said that the organisation’s journey for enlightened people is eternal. “There are some dreams that have no specific destination. These dreams are unbound… Continue reading
A Patched-Up Poem
You must have realized by now That this poem, like life, is all patched-up. Two lines were written in the month of Agrahayon Over which swept innumerable Sidrs, so many springs. Haggling over fish I jotted down two more lines… Continue reading
Bangla Academy
Though 1952 is a milepost in the language movement, the struggle to give Bangla due recognition may be traced back to the second decade of the 20th century. At a meeting of the Vangiya Sahitya Parishad in 1925, chaired by… Continue reading
Bangali cuisine
Bangali food has inherited a large number of influences, both foreign and Indian, from both a turbulent history and strong trade links with many parts of the world. Bengal is fairly ancient; originally a Dravidian and tribal society, that was… Continue reading
Demand and supply
She sat on a bed covered with faded linen with huge blues roses printed on it. Uncertain of himself, he sat on a chair. The walls had the look of used white ceramic plates. A popular film tune played almost… Continue reading
Eminent scholar Siddique Mahmudur Rahman gets International award
Siddique Mahmudur Rahman was awarded Silver-Bronze Medal from 22nd Asian International Stamp Exhibition, ‘Jakarta 2008’, under the patronage of Federation of Inter-Asian Philately (FIAP), held during 23-28 October 2008 for his outstanding research publication ‘Artist K G Mustafa and his… Continue reading
The Impact of Gender, Poverty And Subordination On Women
Poverty can be defined as absolute, where people lack the basic resources to physically sustain life. On the other hand, the socio-economic context of the individual is considered in relation to what those around the individual have. Gender refers to… Continue reading
Nazrul Institute
Nazrul Institute a research and publication organisation set up by the Government of Bangladesh in February 1985 as per the Nazrul Institute Ordinance of 12 June 1984 . Some of the functions and objectives of the organisation as mentioned in… Continue reading
History of Bangla Literature
Bangla Literature dates back to at least the 7th century with three development periods are:ancient, medieval, and modern. Ancient period from 650-1200, medieval period from 1200-1800, and the modern period from 1800 to the present. While the history of Bangladeshi… Continue reading
Educational support to national health programmes has been provided by the Health Education Bureau (HEB). Emphasis has been given in recent years to school health education, hospital health education and coordination with NGOs. Constraints include the lack of a national… Continue reading
Shamsur Rahman
ABOUT MYSELF I was born on October 23, 1929, in Dhaka, in a middle class family. I started writing almost accidentally, while a student in the University of Dhaka. That was 1948. Why do I write? What makes me write?… Continue reading
Bangladesh Institute of Philatelic Studies (BIPS)
Bangladesh Institute of Philatelic Studies (BIPS) a non-profit organisation established at Dhaka in 1988 to promote stamp collecting by using philately as an aid for the broader appreciation of history, culture and human events. Its founder director-cum-Chairman of the Institute… Continue reading